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Class of 2000

Since the time we entered Kindergarten, we were known as the future Class of 2000, the class that would take Pickerington into the next century. There was a certain special anticipation and expectation that went with the distinction of being in that class, and that distinction continues on, even nearly 20 years later. As Pickerington grew through the years, so did our class, so that by the time we reached the end of our last semester, over 500 of us graduated.


During our time at Pickerington High School, we excelled in the classroom, marched in parades, competed for championships, moved people with our performances, crafted works of art, and left an indelible mark on our school and city. This class, filled with so much promise, went on to become doctors, lawyers, ministers, teachers, parents, performers, musicians, engineers, and every conceivable thing in between.

Despite our successes, and the promise of our lives stretching out in front of us, we have inevitably lost some friends along the way. We honor, now and forever, the lives of our friends and classmates who have passed on from our company here on earth.

Katie Bauchmoyer
Laurie Brewer
Doug Davis
Chris Jones
Dustin Miller
Brian Morrow
Kelley Thomas
Holly Triplett

In Memoriam


20 Year Reunion

Did we seriously graduate almost 20 years ago?!?! It seems nearly impossible that so much time has passed since we all roamed the halls of 300 Opportunity Way. So much has changed in each of our lives, and in Pickerington, since we were students, it's hard to even comprehend it.


After leaving the halls of Pickerington High School, many of us went our separate ways, going off to further studies or the military, getting jobs, starting families, and we slowly drifted apart from the friends we passed in the halls each day. After nearly 20 years away from high school, even with all of the social media available to us today, we have still lost track of many of our friends and classmates.


As an attempt to reforge those human connections between us, a small committee has formed to plan a 20th High School Reunion for the Class of 2000. Our first goal is to reach out to every single member of our class to reconnect, and spread the word about our upcoming reunion. We want this reunion to be an opportunity for our class to come together again, en masse, in a way we haven’t since graduation day.


The tentative weekend we are targeting for our reunion festivities is October 9-11, 2020. To make this happen, we need your help, there is no way we can do it alone.





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  • Like the new Pickerington 2000 page on Facebook to stay connected

  • Register at the bottom of this website

  • Share this website and the Facebook page with other members of the Class of 2000

  • Consider joining our planning committee

  • Save the dates of October 9-11, 2020 on your calendar




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